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Living BY Design

A Human Design Study Group series by Crystal Willingham 

Who are YOU designed to be?

Are you empathic, intuitive, clairvoyant or all of these?
Are you frustrated, angry or bitter about not being where you think you should be in your life? Are you ready for the true wisdom of your birth chart, your DNA and your chakra energy centers to be revealed to you?
Do you know that with this knowledge you can truly unleash your own super powers?

If you feel there is more inner wisdom you have yet to discover and you are ready to dive in and go deeper into understanding your own unique design then this workshop series is for you!


The first study group will introduce you to your human design. It is the design you have always been living revealed in a way that will show you how powerful you are, where your true strengths are and how to stand in your own strategy for overcoming your shadows and areas of pain for good.


We will study the official materials offered by Jovian Archive and books written by Certified Human Design Practitioners including Karen Curry Parker


In this ongoing series, we will use the human design chart and the gene keys.


Within these two systems you see your blueprint as described by your birth chart, the I Ching hexagrams and your chakra energy centers all of which is coded in your DNA.


Visit the links to download your free profile / chart.

human design chart and the gene keys



It is elegantly simple and deeply complex at the same time. In the introductory class, you will walk away with a profound awareness and appreciation of who you came here to be and a permission slip to do just that!


In following study groups, we will study different aspects of your design so that you can contemplate and gain deeper insight. This deepening of your self-awareness can lead to expanded states of higher vibration and bring one to an enlightened state. From these states of higher vibration, one can also experience more synchronicity and awareness of true abundance!


These study groups are designed to

  • empower you to learn at your own pace and

  • give you the tools to read your own human design chart and gene keys.


I will provide resources and facilitate learning for $15 per month.

This Study group is free for Monthly Practice! Members

Click here to sign up for the class.

please RSVP on


  • In each class, we will dive deep into what the sections of the chart mean and

  • I will provide intuitive wisdom as guided into what things mean for us as empaths, intuitives, psychics, clairvoyants etc.  

  • For those on Facebook, there is a group for posting questions and answers, sharing revelations and additional resources. 


I am so excited to share this wisdom as I recently discovered is indicated in my life work blueprint. I look forward to taking this journey with you!



We will meet every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month at 7pm!


Add energy work into your process!

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Synergy is created in groups - so connect and share with others on this journey to AMPLIFY the energy!

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